In terms of the menu items, everything was pretty good. I must say that it's not fantastic but everything was cooked and seasoned very nicely. Just the fact that this restaurant was in an all-you-can eat format made the food taste better in my opinion. When you arrive at your table, your host greets you and then immediately starts bringing out the food. First we got appetizer type foods such as Asian dumplings, noodles (pretty delicious) and small tangy chicken wings. Then came the real food! Our host brought out a variety of meats on skewers such as chicken, beef, and pork. Overall, the meats were great and really filling. Then came my favorite item of the night...the dessert. I don't know what it was that I was eating but it was amazing. It was like some bread/cake/pastry with sugar coated bananas, caramel, and ice cream. But either way, I loved it.
In terms of the restaurant in a whole, it's very relaxing, dim, and chill. It didn't have the feeling of some loud buffet, but it also didn't feel like I was eating at some fine dining establishment. It was pretty much the perfect setting for this type of dining experience. I truly liked the open fire pit/grill primarily because it gave the essence that the food was very fresh, hot, and plentiful. Plus the ukulele player was also a nice touch since he made everyone loosen up and just have fun eating with their families and other guests.
Overall, Ohana is my favorite Disney World restaurant and I will be sure to make another fulfilling stop there the next time I visit the wonderful world of Disney. From the Hawaiian and tropical themes to the open fire grill and fresh meats, Ohana is Disney World's family restaurant of choice.
College Kid Budget:: $$

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